Drysdale selection method

Load permutations

perms_list <- lapply(dir('data', pattern = 'cca_perms-drysdale-chunk_.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)

#The optimal penalty for each permuted data set
penalties <- unlist(lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
  lapply(permset, function(aperm) unique(aperm$penalty))
#Create a data frame with one row for each correlation for each permutation.
#Column `k` indexes the correlation.
null_ccs <- data.table::rbindlist(
  lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
        function(aperm) data.frame(cc = aperm$cca_cors, k = 1:length(aperm$cca_cors))))
#index the permutation iteration too, just in case we want to see what penalty was used.
null_ccs[, i := 1:.N, by = k]
null_ccs[, mean := mean(cc), by = k]

Load CCA of observed data

cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data', 'cca-drysdale.rds'))
cca_penalty_used <- cca_obsv$cca.permute_obj$bestpenaltyx
cc <- data.frame(cc_obs = cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors, 
                 k = 1:length(cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors))
#To find the Z score we just see what proportion of null CCs are less than the
#observed CC and then use qnorm to turn that probability into a Z score. We can
#then get a two-sided p-value for the CC using pnorm (there are other ways
#too--we could just directly use the prop_null_lt_obs).
Z_table <- null_ccs[cc, on = 'k'][, list(prop_null_lt_obs = mean(cc < cc_obs),
                                         Z = qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs)),
                                         `P(>|Z|)` = pnorm(abs(qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs))), lower.tail = F)*2,
                                         cc_obs = unique(cc_obs)), by = k]
ggplot(data.frame(penalties = penalties), aes(x = penalties)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 19, fill = '#a7c6b8') + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = cca_penalty_used, color = '#2a5078') + 
Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs, Z_table = Z_table)
Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Drysdale 2nd selection method

Load permutations

perms_list <- lapply(dir('data', pattern = 'cca_perms-drysdale2-chunk_.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)

#The optimal penalty for each permuted data set
penalties <- unlist(lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
  lapply(permset, function(aperm) unique(aperm$penalty))
#Create a data frame with one row for each correlation for each permutation.
#Column `k` indexes the correlation.
null_ccs <- data.table::rbindlist(
  lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
        function(aperm) data.frame(cc = aperm$cca_cors, k = 1:length(aperm$cca_cors))))
#index the permutation iteration too, just in case we want to see what penalty was used.
null_ccs[, i := 1:.N, by = k]
null_ccs[, mean := mean(cc), by = k]

Load CCA of observed data

cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data', 'cca-drysdale2.rds'))
cca_penalty_used <- cca_obsv$cca.permute_obj$bestpenaltyx
cc <- data.frame(cc_obs = cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors, 
                 k = 1:length(cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors))
#To find the Z score we just see what proportion of null CCs are less than the
#observed CC and then use qnorm to turn that probability into a Z score. We can
#then get a two-sided p-value for the CC using pnorm (there are other ways
#too--we could just directly use the prop_null_lt_obs).
Z_table <- null_ccs[cc, on = 'k'][, list(prop_null_lt_obs = mean(cc < cc_obs),
                                         Z = qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs)),
                                         `P(>|Z|)` = pnorm(abs(qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs))), lower.tail = F)*2,
                                         cc_obs = unique(cc_obs)), by = k]
ggplot(data.frame(penalties = penalties), aes(x = penalties)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 19, fill = '#a7c6b8') + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = cca_penalty_used, color = '#2a5078') + 
Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs, Z_table = Z_table)
Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Drysdale 3nd selection method

This is the closest to an exact replication of Drysdale et al’s method (as reported by Dinga et al). We select 100 features from the resting state data that show the highest absolute maximum correlations with any of the threat/deprivation features, and 100 features from the threat/dep data that show the highest absolute max correlation with any of the resting state features. We then submit these features to a non-regularized CCA.

Load permutations

perms_list <- lapply(dir('data', pattern = 'cca_perms-drysdale3-noreg--chunk_.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)

#Create a data frame with one row for each correlation for each permutation.
#Column `k` indexes the correlation.
null_ccs <- data.table::rbindlist(
  lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
        function(aperm) data.frame(cc = aperm$cca_cors, k = 1:length(aperm$cca_cors))))
#index the permutation iteration too, just in case we want to see what penalty was used.
null_ccs[, i := 1:.N, by = k]
null_ccs[, mean := mean(cc), by = k]

Load CCA of observed data

cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data', 'cca-drysdale3-noreg-.rds'))
cc <- data.frame(cc_obs = cca_obsv$cca_obj$cancor, 
                 k = 1:length(cca_obsv$cca_obj$cancor))
#To find the Z score we just see what proportion of null CCs are less than the
#observed CC and then use qnorm to turn that probability into a Z score. We can
#then get a two-sided p-value for the CC using pnorm (there are other ways
#too--we could just directly use the prop_null_lt_obs).
Z_table <- null_ccs[cc, on = 'k'][, list(prop_null_lt_obs = mean(cc < cc_obs),
                                         Z = qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs)),
                                         `P(>|Z|)` = pnorm(abs(qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs))), lower.tail = F)*2,
                                         cc_obs = unique(cc_obs)), by = k]
<<<<<<< HEAD
dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs[k <= 10], Z_table = Z_table[k <= 10], xlim = c(.9, 1), label_h = 30, text_offset = .0075)
Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density. X axis starts at r=.90. ======= dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs[k <= 10], Z_table = Z_table[k <= 10], xlim = c(.9, 1), label_h = 50, text_offset = .02, nudge_x = -.0025)
Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density. X axis starts at r=.90. >>>>>>> ccbe708cce2725b09de1922ef0b2a28faf7a6601

Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density. X axis starts at r=.90.

w_dt <- data.table::data.table(Wilks(cca_obsv$cca_obj))
Z_table_table <- copy(Z_table[, c('Z', 'P(>|Z|)', 'cc_obs')])
setnames(Z_table_table, c('cc_obs', 'Z'), c('CanR', 'Z_perm'))
knitr::kable(w_dt[Z_table_table, on = 'CanR'], caption = 'Wilk\'s test (F) and permutation Z score for observed canonical correlation')
Wilk’s test (F) and permutation Z score for observed canonical correlation
CanR LR test stat approx F numDF denDF Pr(> F) Z_perm P(>|Z|)
0.9859025 0.0000000 1.0710227 10000 4654.2141 0.0032688 -0.4646250 0.6422
0.9814274 0.0000000 1.0334541 9801 4657.2062 0.0964924 -0.6638286 0.5068
0.9784669 0.0000000 1.0008461 9604 4659.1986 0.4878042 -0.2923749 0.7700
0.9733658 0.0000000 0.9704068 9409 4660.1912 0.8830995 -0.8344987 0.4040
0.9706689 0.0000000 0.9434681 9216 4660.1841 0.9892505 -0.3783104 0.7052
0.9661512 0.0000000 0.9175621 9025 4659.1772 0.9996504 -0.5837329 0.5594
0.9614896 0.0000000 0.8936659 8836 4657.1707 0.9999950 -0.7776082 0.4368
0.9592206 0.0000000 0.8714795 8649 4654.1644 1.0000000 -0.1180854 0.9060
0.9536070 0.0000000 0.8494983 8464 4650.1584 1.0000000 -0.5307385 0.5956
0.9500005 0.0000000 0.8292342 8281 4645.1528 1.0000000 -0.2528295 0.8004
0.9453873 0.0000000 0.8095576 8100 4639.1474 1.0000000 -0.2412001 0.8094
0.9404680 0.0000000 0.7907588 7921 4632.1424 1.0000000 -0.2678692 0.7888
0.9357113 0.0000000 0.7728069 7744 4624.1377 1.0000000 -0.2139321 0.8306
0.9311028 0.0000000 0.7555149 7569 4615.1334 1.0000000 -0.0760240 0.9394
0.9279590 0.0000000 0.7387303 7396 4605.1295 1.0000000 0.4504306 0.6524
0.9225776 0.0000000 0.7219292 7225 4594.1259 1.0000000 0.4341218 0.6642
0.9092683 0.0000000 0.7057113 7056 4582.1227 1.0000000 -1.3806064 0.1674
0.9020225 0.0000000 0.6919979 6889 4569.1200 1.0000000 -1.6625627 0.0964
0.8932996 0.0000000 0.6790445 6724 4555.1176 1.0000000 -2.2603425 0.0238
0.8912017 0.0000000 0.6670678 6561 4540.1157 1.0000000 -1.3279337 0.1842
0.8851038 0.0000000 0.6546150 6400 4524.1142 1.0000000 -1.3035121 0.1924
0.8763340 0.0000000 0.6424748 6241 4507.1133 1.0000000 -1.7346659 0.0828
0.8723941 0.0000000 0.6311035 6084 4489.1128 1.0000000 -1.1769887 0.2392
0.8654022 0.0000000 0.6195451 5929 4470.1128 1.0000000 -1.2170111 0.2236
0.8554756 0.0000000 0.6083183 5776 4450.1133 1.0000000 -1.7518477 0.0798
0.8494989 0.0000000 0.5978707 5625 4429.1144 1.0000000 -1.5156811 0.1296
0.8441465 0.0000000 0.5874939 5476 4407.1161 1.0000000 -1.2013899 0.2296
0.8338354 0.0000000 0.5770574 5329 4384.1183 1.0000000 -1.6777291 0.0934
0.8266227 0.0000000 0.5672959 5184 4360.1212 1.0000000 -1.5581403 0.1192
0.8195352 0.0000000 0.5576976 5041 4335.1248 1.0000000 -1.5062617 0.1320
0.8166160 0.0000000 0.5482136 4900 4309.1290 1.0000000 -0.6554159 0.5122
0.8062270 0.0000000 0.5382204 4761 4282.1339 1.0000000 -1.0043706 0.3152
0.8000342 0.0000000 0.5287456 4624 4254.1395 1.0000000 -0.7156621 0.4742
0.7897209 0.0000000 0.5191774 4489 4225.1459 1.0000000 -0.9797693 0.3272
0.7819267 0.0000000 0.5100410 4356 4195.1531 1.0000000 -0.9096635 0.3630
0.7793152 0.0000000 0.5009749 4225 4164.1612 1.0000000 -0.0313380 0.9750
0.7688372 0.0000000 0.4912802 4096 4132.1701 1.0000000 -0.2743704 0.7838
0.7605658 0.0000000 0.4819419 3969 4099.1800 1.0000000 -0.1919262 0.8478
0.7487849 0.0000001 0.4726517 3844 4065.1908 1.0000000 -0.5727706 0.5668
0.7415346 0.0000002 0.4638156 3721 4030.2026 1.0000000 -0.2881917 0.7732
0.7390130 0.0000005 0.4548586 3600 3994.2155 1.0000000 0.6122082 0.5404
0.7344750 0.0000010 0.4451767 3481 3957.2295 1.0000000 1.2657573 0.2056
0.7190208 0.0000022 0.4349700 3364 3919.2447 1.0000000 0.4808825 0.6306
0.7067002 0.0000046 0.4255331 3249 3880.2612 1.0000000 0.1421013 0.8870
0.6905255 0.0000092 0.4164616 3136 3840.2789 1.0000000 -0.6754341 0.4994
0.6797927 0.0000176 0.4081692 3025 3799.2980 1.0000000 -0.7544151 0.4506
0.6720859 0.0000327 0.4000260 2916 3757.3186 1.0000000 -0.4446122 0.6566
0.6566229 0.0000596 0.3916758 2809 3714.3406 1.0000000 -1.0634013 0.2876
0.6530188 0.0001048 0.3839498 2704 3670.3644 1.0000000 -0.2593049 0.7954
0.6369279 0.0001828 0.3755377 2601 3625.3898 1.0000000 -0.9226301 0.3562
0.6167556 0.0003075 0.3677723 2500 3579.4170 1.0000000 -1.9845012 0.0472
0.6111934 0.0004963 0.3610749 2401 3532.4462 1.0000000 -1.4030565 0.1606
0.6067723 0.0007922 0.3539090 2304 3484.4775 1.0000000 -0.6155372 0.5382
0.6016535 0.0012539 0.3461027 2209 3435.5109 1.0000000 0.0574333 0.9542
0.5909021 0.0019653 0.3376716 2116 3385.5466 1.0000000 0.0948928 0.9244
0.5724424 0.0030196 0.3291938 2025 3334.5849 1.0000000 -0.7059809 0.4802
0.5693515 0.0044914 0.3215070 1936 3282.6258 1.0000000 0.2265161 0.8208
0.5545710 0.0066456 0.3129068 1849 3229.6695 1.0000000 -0.1294520 0.8970
0.5495665 0.0095972 0.3046470 1764 3175.7162 1.0000000 0.5896878 0.5554
0.5305700 0.0137501 0.2956002 1681 3120.7663 1.0000000 -0.2172674 0.8280
0.5005048 0.0191373 0.2873238 1600 3064.8198 1.0000000 -2.1674573 0.0302
0.4951916 0.0255336 0.2810616 1521 3007.8771 1.0000000 -1.4487765 0.1474
0.4840004 0.0338290 0.2741413 1444 2949.9385 1.0000000 -1.3626273 0.1730
0.4749113 0.0441780 0.2671626 1369 2891.0043 1.0000000 -1.0295953 0.3032
0.4641850 0.0570437 0.2598598 1296 2831.0748 1.0000000 -0.8596174 0.3900
0.4542053 0.0727104 0.2523838 1225 2770.1506 1.0000000 -0.6182660 0.5364
0.4346087 0.0916097 0.2446110 1156 2708.2320 1.0000000 -1.3664429 0.1718
0.4232542 0.1129429 0.2376909 1089 2645.3195 1.0000000 -1.2154356 0.2242
0.4132981 0.1375917 0.2306574 1024 2581.4138 1.0000000 -0.9668881 0.3336
0.4057623 0.1659361 0.2233054 961 2516.5154 1.0000000 -0.4377052 0.6616
0.3833183 0.1986409 0.2152593 900 2450.6252 1.0000000 -1.4057445 0.1598
0.3661229 0.2328550 0.2084475 841 2383.7439 1.0000000 -1.8494005 0.0644
0.3613280 0.2688999 0.2022680 784 2315.8726 1.0000000 -1.0211149 0.3072
0.3434072 0.3092787 0.1950586 729 2247.0123 1.0000000 -1.5381989 0.1240
0.3372612 0.3506277 0.1885696 676 2177.1643 1.0000000 -0.8231899 0.4104
0.3209058 0.3956286 0.1811262 625 2106.3300 1.0000000 -1.1709970 0.2416
0.3162455 0.4410479 0.1741670 576 2034.5113 1.0000000 -0.3039054 0.7612
0.2890464 0.4900593 0.1658459 529 1961.7102 1.0000000 -1.7179814 0.0858
0.2867981 0.5347353 0.1597420 484 1887.9289 1.0000000 -0.5813568 0.5610
0.2846951 0.5826610 0.1518729 441 1813.1705 1.0000000 0.5516327 0.5812
0.2606538 0.6340517 0.1417681 400 1737.4382 1.0000000 -0.5284313 0.5972
0.2481691 0.6802695 0.1333625 361 1660.7364 1.0000000 -0.4294442 0.6676
0.2282877 0.7249156 0.1245816 324 1583.0700 1.0000000 -1.0907112 0.2754
0.2165012 0.7647719 0.1169293 289 1504.4453 1.0000000 -0.9066347 0.3646
0.2038433 0.8023818 0.1088389 256 1424.8702 1.0000000 -0.8182753 0.4132
0.1940846 0.8371678 0.1003996 225 1344.3546 1.0000000 -0.4059219 0.6848
0.1717208 0.8699374 0.0907479 196 1262.9114 1.0000000 -1.3255162 0.1850
0.1626738 0.8963695 0.0830159 169 1180.5575 1.0000000 -0.8210812 0.4116
0.1467252 0.9207347 0.0738807 144 1097.3152 1.0000000 -1.0629602 0.2878
0.1255751 0.9409927 0.0650567 121 1013.2154 1.0000000 -1.8956979 0.0580
0.1125801 0.9560690 0.0584313 100 928.3013 1.0000000 -1.8289974 0.0674
0.1037941 0.9683421 0.0519138 81 842.6357 1.0000000 -1.2696762 0.2042
0.0891739 0.9788878 0.0437994 64 756.3139 1.0000000 -1.3760699 0.1688
0.0714483 0.9867343 0.0359874 49 669.4872 1.0000000 -1.8384237 0.0660
0.0562528 0.9917973 0.0303729 36 582.4135 1.0000000 -2.0663017 0.0388
0.0505646 0.9949457 0.0270574 25 495.5750 1.0000000 -1.1058302 0.2688
0.0425487 0.9974961 0.0210380 16 410.0144 1.0000000 -0.3937034 0.6938
0.0237593 0.9993052 0.0104317 9 328.7051 1.0000000 -1.1249741 0.2606
0.0096061 0.9998696 0.0044326 4 272.0000 0.9999607 -1.3957161 0.1628
0.0061711 0.9999619 0.0052174 1 137.0000 0.9425229 0.2450729 0.8064

Full Selection via regularization

No pre-selection of features.

Load permutations

<<<<<<< HEAD
perms_list <- lapply(dir('data/old', pattern = 'cca_perms-nofeatsel-chunk_.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)
perms_list <- lapply(dir('data', pattern = 'cca_perms-nofeatsel-chunk_.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)
>>>>>>> ccbe708cce2725b09de1922ef0b2a28faf7a6601

#The optimal penalty for each permuted data set
penalties <- unlist(lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
  lapply(permset, function(aperm) unique(aperm$penalty))
#Create a data frame with one row for each correlation for each permutation.
#Column `k` indexes the correlation.
null_ccs <- data.table::rbindlist(
  lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
        function(aperm) data.frame(cc = aperm$cca_cors, k = 1:length(aperm$cca_cors))))
#index the permutation iteration too, just in case we want to see what penalty was used.
null_ccs[, i := 1:.N, by = k]
null_ccs[, mean := mean(cc), by = k]

Load CCA of observed data

<<<<<<< HEAD
cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data/old', 'cca-nofeatsel.rds'))
cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data', 'cca-nofeatsel.rds'))
>>>>>>> ccbe708cce2725b09de1922ef0b2a28faf7a6601
cca_penalty_used <- cca_obsv$cca.permute_obj$bestpenaltyx
cc <- data.frame(cc_obs = cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors, 
                 k = 1:length(cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors))
#To find the Z score we just see what proportion of null CCs are less than the
#observed CC and then use qnorm to turn that probability into a Z score. We can
#then get a two-sided p-value for the CC using pnorm (there are other ways
#too--we could just directly use the prop_null_lt_obs).
Z_table <- null_ccs[cc, on = 'k'][, list(prop_null_lt_obs = mean(cc < cc_obs),
                                         Z = qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs)),
                                         `P(>|Z|)` = pnorm(abs(qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs))), lower.tail = F)*2,
                                         cc_obs = unique(cc_obs)), by = k]
ggplot(data.frame(penalties = penalties), aes(x = penalties)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 19, fill = '#a7c6b8') + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = cca_penalty_used, color = '#2a5078') + 
<<<<<<< HEAD Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data ======= Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data >>>>>>> ccbe708cce2725b09de1922ef0b2a28faf7a6601

Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs[k <= 10], Z_table = Z_table[k <=10])
<<<<<<< HEAD Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density. ======= Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density. >>>>>>> ccbe708cce2725b09de1922ef0b2a28faf7a6601

Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Xia selection method

Load permutations

perms_list <- lapply(dir('data', pattern = 'cca_perms-xia.*rds', full.names = TRUE), readRDS)

#The optimal penalty for each permuted data set
penalties <- unlist(lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
  lapply(permset, function(aperm) unique(aperm$penalty))
#Create a data frame with one row for each correlation for each permutation.
#Column `k` indexes the correlation.
null_ccs <- data.table::rbindlist(
  lapply(perms_list, function(permset){
        function(aperm) data.frame(cc = aperm$cca_cors, k = 1:length(aperm$cca_cors))))
#index the permutation iteration too, just in case we want to see what penalty was used.
null_ccs[, i := 1:.N, by = k]
null_ccs[, mean := mean(cc), by = k]

Load CCA of observed data

cca_obsv <- readRDS(file.path('data', 'cca-xia.rds'))
cca_penalty_used <- cca_obsv$cca.permute_obj$bestpenaltyx
cc <- data.frame(cc_obs = cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors, 
                 k = 1:length(cca_obsv$cca_obj$cors))
#To find the Z score we just see what proportion of null CCs are less than the
#observed CC and then use qnorm to turn that probability into a Z score. We can
#then get a two-sided p-value for the CC using pnorm (there are other ways
#too--we could just directly use the prop_null_lt_obs).
Z_table <- null_ccs[cc, on = 'k'][, list(prop_null_lt_obs = mean(cc < cc_obs),
                                         Z = qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs)),
                                         `P(>|Z|)` = pnorm(abs(qnorm(mean(cc < cc_obs))), lower.tail = F)*2,
                                         cc_obs = unique(cc_obs)), by = k]
ggplot(data.frame(penalties = penalties), aes(x = penalties)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 19, fill = '#a7c6b8') + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = cca_penalty_used, color = '#2a5078') + 
Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

Distribution of penalties across permutations. Blue line indicates penalty used for unpermuted data

dens_plot(null_ccs = null_ccs, Z_table = Z_table)
Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.

Density of canonical correlations (CC) on permuted data for each of 10 canonical variates in order. Lines indicate CC of unpermuted data with Z scores for their location in the null density.